did summer say smth about lemmy on the boat 🌚
Found this on Facebook
I'm so happy Mel is coming but the fight looks like how it always goes
HEAR ME OUT (until trilogy /universe)
nahh yall to busy talking ab summer who do ym think got sent to the ambulance??
Mt. Komorebi (which I always accidentally call Korembi) is a little slice of paradise, what Sims world do you feel most tranquil in?
Some details: Hill’s ring, Jessica’s book, and Emily’s luggage stickers.
Anyone know where to find this sim?
over it
Sims 4 subreddit is ridiculous
Mind you we allow racist posts like this to stay up and nothing happens
guys be honest, if you were in until dawn. how long would you survive and which character would you relate to the most
does anyone remember the long chin man from baddies east in the crowd
scotty and lemmy out together
Big Phat Baby that was cast for Baddies Gone Wild never got to film anything with the other ladies..
Marry a WHO?
y'all suck d to much shut btcs
Stunna’s Got a New Man… AGAIN.
Why don’t we see stuff like this on the show
shut up you ugly Reddit ho's sensitive mf's
summer is sparing the girls her hands are registered
Ahna, Summer and Scotty all got what they deserved
Big lex