Please help me perfect my team for festival of battles
New record 🔥
How did your anniversary go ?
Finally beat this mission
Jp account 1500 days over 700 ds to get a lot lr
Corroded Body and Mind Without support item
Opinions on music
7040 points on burst mode !
Is the best ost on the game are you agree ?
PSA: Don’t beg for codes
Hey, unfortunately I don’t signed up in time for the code if someone have extra code, you don’t need for PlayStation 5 I really appreciate if you’ll be kind 🙏
PS5 NA code giveaway
Hii someone have 2 code and can please send me one🙏
How’d everyone’s summons go?
see you in part two✌️👑
Xiaolan - Prada Blue Corduroy Down Jacket - ¥299 (Deposit) + ¥900 (Balance) = ¥1199 (Total) - Expected To Ship In January
I have pulled 8 copies of this MF and still don’t have a single Gotenks
This one so cool how the guy gets this?
I waiting for this moment heroes cook 💣⌚️
So lucky 🍀 and the deal is so good I think the really wants us to use all the stones before the 10 ain
I’m just saying vegito is really good cause he has character for 10 anniversary
New LR gotenks looks clean
Did I cook with the tier list⁉️
Do you think it’s gonna be one banner Gotenks and jiren ?