Who is the biggest loser in anime
Realizing we gotta wait another year for season 4
Where are the rest if the chapters
Who would win: Prof. Dumbledore or Gandalf
Are the Hashashim the strongest heavy infantry?
Chapter 197 Cover Cleaned
Tanktop Master and Metal Bat (OPM) vs Monster Girl and Powerplex (Invincible)
Any unbiased predictions for the 2025 season?
Who's Winning?
Blast and Boros vs Super Perfect Cell.
advice on prepping for theatre
Conquest (Invincible) runs the OPM gauntlet, how far is he getting?
The Med Schools Council on a random Tuesday:
Mosques in Liverpool which serve Iftar or have islamic classes/meetings during Ramadan?
My Top 5 Isekai recommendation
Looks like the Byzantines decided to host a naval conference on my island
Which is the best starter anime in these?
Finals OSCEs in a few days - any last words of advice?
Attacker walks free after racist assault on GP
Our wards ceiling collapsed a few years ago and then flooded with brown water. What has been your hospitals best facility incident?
Another Prevention of Future Deaths Report (Regulation 28) issued by a Coroner following the death of a patient misdiagnosed by a Physician Associate
Cosmic Garou (OPM) VS Dr Manhattan (DC)
ENT / ophthalmology textbooks recommendation?
Allen the alien (invincible) vs perfect cell (DBZ)
How would you rank them from weakest to strongest?