Any recommendations, fellas?
Ban cards for the tournament you say? :)))))
What is the least toxic/friendly emote in the game? I’ll go first
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Need more white
Who are they
King Boo Squeak
How does bro have an invisible name?
The most hated card, the game was never the same after it!
Here's my votes, what about you?
This map in ranked is even more difficult than hockey
Pyramid head FINX!
What brawlers are high skill by you are just naturally good at. Mine are Edgar with Lets fly gadget while in an bush or kit while in cardboard box in solo showdown.
The origins of Brawl Stars....
Bro live in dungeon
Should I save more gems or use them ? I can't figure it out
Man , I just want hog rider in brawlstars ... They could do a clash of clans collab and do a temporary brawler like Buzz Lightyear
What was ur first evolution ever?
You know your cooked when you are in brawl ball and your opponent is prawn ready
Need someone to play with them
Is kit good and fun
This deck is a bit expensive on elixer , ngl
What do you think this guy's search history would be?
A younger biron ( it's my interpretation of byron, if he was younger)
Sam after he murders all the brawlers after finding the truth of starr park ( prisoner sam )