Rare sight of human egg on camera
look at this idiot
Agar ajj (class 10th boards over).... Kisi gandu neh icse vs CBSE kiya toh meh uskii gand maarr dungaaaaa
Cooked or got cooked? (IT/AI)
Denunciation of the priorly proposed Treaty of Peace 2025
We won't sign any treaty
We do not accept the peace treaty
Your opinion on this post from r/icse ??
I am done with my family and i feel i might fall into depression soon...
Most important question !!
i cant recover frm my ex.
Can trigno be done before doing triangles? (class 10, ncert)
was cbse on meth when they made this questions FOR AI?!?!
Mujhe tum log apne favorite meme batao!!
These NextTopper femboys don't even know how GOATED they were!
found this on instagram
Yeah ICSE wale...
What do you think help attract muscular gay?Become fem(not annoying fem) and cute or become gym bro and muscular too?
Admit it- bros sometimes pee sitting
Average Holi Activities
Maut aajaye but yeh phase kisi ki life mei na aaye
Hi everyone I'm willing to teach 10th graders in here for pennies (I'm struggling financially TOOOOO much lol)
What if I don't want to join the rat race? (taking pcb in 11th)
I inhaled holi colours by mistake and now my right nostril is burning and my head on the right side from inside is hurting what to do?