What’s the personality diff bt male and female rr. I’m getting a female
Are rr scared of everything? Like a leaf falling, a new box u bring in the house… I have a mix and the slightest thing can spook her. It’s cute now bc it’s her personality. Idk if this was rr trait
What are the biggest diff bt a make/female rr. Getting our first female rr pup
I’m fixing to get my first purebred rr. What other dog temperament would u say they best have that’s closest ass wt them. After puppy stage.
Are they as hard to train as everything online says
Anyone else got a crazy Ridgeback?
Says rr don’t bark a lot . I have a mix and she never barks, which we love. Is this true wt rr
I’m looking for a female that’s gonna be about 75 lbs. but want a puppy. Any breeder suggestions
Small RR full grown?
What’s your favorite case for the iPhone 15?