yaris hybrid (2024): issues with display
Possibilità big tech o simili in Italia
What are some tips, tricks and habits that you wish you knew sooner?
More Sex While Partner is Cheating
Sunscreen disadvantages
Best concealer with full coverage for undereye that does not crease or dry the skin?
Ma fare l'insegnante è così male?
Why don't people place their LOs in care facility sooner? Why the stigma around "institutionalizing"?
What Beauty Procedure Was Totally Worth It?
I'm considering divorcing my wife because she can't get over her mom dying.
Calabrese 29M supplente di educazione fisica al nord [parte 2]
Brown hand spots? (39f)
It’s not healthy for your partner to be your only friend
My (24m) ex (26f) haunts my during sex with my current girlfriend (23f).
Divorced at age 50 and found myself not sexually attracted to women my own age
Cercare nuovo lavoro durante l'anno sabbatico
Mollo ed apro un qualcosa di mio ?
Laureati in lingue, cosa fate?
What are your favorite dark circle concealers
I 28M am at odds at what to do about new information I found out about my gf 27F.
I giovani intorno ai 25 anni che si vedono in giro con auto da 40/50 k euro sono tutti quanti figli di papà ?
Innamorarsi di nuovo dopo tanto tempo?
My everyday makeup look.. thoughts?
What sucks, has sucked, and always will suck?
How do you all cope with “the one that got away”?