Have they increased the shiny rate in the last 2 days???
My brother got these guys at home, in a row 😳
Why is Ironfist NOT considered great?
How rare is this Kirlia with a hat, that cannot evolve?
Role queue AND Open Queue
thoughts on 6v6?
How does one get 200 Pokémons a day?
top 500 moira potg
*reposting since my last 1 got reported so much and taken down* Widow is ridiculous.
What hero do you choose if Moira is already picked?
98k/a in 16 minutes
Which Hero Would You Choose to Star in their Own Video Game?
Luck or Skill Orbs?
Moira mains, what's something you wish people understood when you play your Hero?
Current Optimal Pukey Bow Build? July 2024
Hunt-a-thons doesn't encourage playing with IRL mates
What does Affinity mean in MHNow?
Gear 5 in my art-style ❤️