Worried about the Job Market
Advice! Graduating Early?!
Any Berkeley people with partners at UCLA or anyone who travels home to LA frequently?
Micro bakery girl expands her lore
If No Man Has Asked You Out Yet I WILL !!!!!
Mice in Main-stacks and it's cuz y'all are stupid
Mice in Main-stacks and it’s cuz y’all are stupid
My dog NEEDS a friend
Summer Job Suggestions?
random guys threw water at us
Wondering if anyone has a boyfriend who's socially awkward / have stutters / autistic ?
School's Out! ~ a lil illustration I made to celebrate the year's end
Fitness Journey
Feeling Jealous and Insecure About My Looks and Height
LSAT prep/ Study Buddy
Please stop being rude Asf *A library Worker Rant*
Volunteering clubs/ clubs with volunteering opportunities
Give me your most controversial opinion about UC Berkeley. The hill you're willing to die on. What's yours?
Feeling desensitized to my grades.
Question about LIFE
Econ 100B Midterm - Drop your MCQ scores
Thanks to the Guy that gave me a Coke at the info desk
Chances of getting accepted?
People not going home for Thanksgiving, what’s your plan?