For the love of god, Sylas NEEDS to lead these cases. Stew: “um” “like” “I don’t know” “I’m not sure” Sylas saves the cases she covers with his questions. Even he’s confused I think.
The banter
Anybody else fell that this Season of creeptime with the exception of a few episode had been kinda Mid. Like I feel myself while listening to the cases not as into it as I was in the past with Creeptime. Idk. It’s hard to explain. Is it just me?
Fast catch pokemon
Pokemon go
number of Acceptance in the MSSW
Social Work Program
Hilton Head Activities
Hilton Head Island
Skateboarding in Hilton head
need friends for xp grind
I need help with a mission and i want new friends
best way to wash type 2A hair
off campus living
On campus or Off Campus
Should I take Philosophy?