What happen to this Rhea?
When the team breaks up
What was the first ever I’m him/ I’m her moment you remember seeing in a show or movie?
I fought Butterbean and I fought I can’t believe it’s not Butterbean I could barely tell the difference
Characters who knows they won’t ever be forgiven for their past actions but still tries to do the right thing
type "dutch wants me to ... " and let the autocorrect finish the rest
We have The Shield at home
I went to the community creations to see how the caws look and it doesn’t show the full body when you click on them
Fictional Characters related to real people
______ Time
Unlike you i just dodged a bullet
You got to get big Meg
When a mysterious new character gets introduced and they already know everything about the main character
Villains who act as a mentor to the protagonist
Over the next 90 minutes I like to show you that your problems can be solved by my penis
"Fuck everyone and Everything in front of me" type of attacks
What is your favorite "Peter dresses/acts like a woman" moment? I'll go first.
Dark, Darkness, Darkness just ride it out… aaand where back
Heroes that despite helping others people in their universe thinks that they cause more harm than good
So you ever notice when two black guy walk in your convenience store and one go one way and go the other way what they doing what they stealing who with me?
Tobias, Anton, Teri, Rocky and Banana Joe would all be really confused in the Escape room, now for the final round, who would run around making chicken noises?
Characters getting a taste of their own medicine
Why with all the two arm youngsters waiting in the minor leagues does this team sticks with a armless second baseman?
Villians who are just spoiled brats.
Characters who had every right to snap and become a villain, but choose to keep it all together