I don’t know what I’m doing
Inconsistent consistent contractions
So, I had a sweep today…
Just had my 40 week appointment
Tenant not leaving what can I say to her
What are we watching while pregnant?
Headaches 😩
Losing faith in the NHS
Mental prep during labour
i want to marry her so bad
Labour/delivery stories tell me yours
WIBTA For telling a woman her husband is cheating?
AITA for refusing to attend therapy with my family so I can try to have a good relationship with my half sister?
AITAH for not wanting to help raise my wifes affair child?
How many days before or after your due date did you give birth?
I’m having a mental breakdown
It’s extremely difficult to build wealth as a Muslim
I think I’m having a mental breakdown
Anyone else have driving anxiety during pregnancy?
Pregnancy supplements