Portugal is no more Suka Blyat'...
European cultural regions according to myself (source:me)
Is there anything more beautiful?
Do combine soldiers still have genitals
I noticed a detail
Erm… Actshually…
How to prevent ai from creating titles?
This Absolute Unit of a Woman
Is there any way to make AI completely peaceful?
What are we calling this country?
Can you spot what’s off in this Picture?
What is this bug?
Khuzait drip is unmatched
My attempt at balancing England after invasion
Skinner Brothers
European start that entails the most fun?
Where on the RDR2 map would you most want to live
The real reason behind Portuguese colonisation.
Charles II of Spain
Uncle once said:
That’s the thing
This image goes incredibly hard
My plans for the next campaign
Danustica convinced me in a complete imperial superiority.
Which is the best Vlandian city to hold besides Pravend?