Can someone explain this behavior to me??
Ex keeps breaking no contact but won’t get back together
Recent IT major graduate struggling to find help desk position
Where do I begin with the comics?
Remove the pole without messing up the Mercedes logo?
Good brand of basic t shirts for casual wear?
Been over a year and slowly getting better
How do I use Frosty Mod Manager to remove created player limits in Madden?
What advice would you give to someone struggling to move on?
Plain t shirt recommendations?
Choose which first time movie I should watch first!
As a dumpee, have you reached out your ex? How did it go?
Next teams
I officially deleted her contact and messages for the new year!
Healing and gradually moving on
Anyone else have an ex that thought you weren’t worth it anymore?
I finally found the strength and it wasn’t easy
Advice for an ex that keeps breaking no contact?
She broke no contact
Ex broke no contact after 94 days...
Why are exes( the dumper )so mean after breakup ?
What advice would you give someone trying to move on from a relationship that ended a year ago?
Reflecting one year after the breakup
Curious: Did you say no?