If you could go back, would you do it again
Thought I wanted to be a PT, but now I’m considering PA
Fixing rib flare
Do wonder mini’s go bad?
After over 10 years of no Nintendo, I got myself a Switch. First game suggestions?
What do you guys masturbate too when not watching porn???
At what BFP did your libido decrease/skyrocket?
At what BFP did your libido decrease? And when did it skyrocket?
What is your all time favorite bit from the pod?
Caught up on a few eps while on a road trip today
Are honey roasted peanuts an aphrodisiac?
What’d you name your playstation?
DC Tour shirt
Can I add RSO oil to Reeses Cups?
Blink Philly 7/26
Reese’s RSO Cups?
Mightve gotten here a little early…
Planning for pit seats
What books are must reads for young 20s?
Book recommendations!
Traveling to St. Pete’s… any suggestions?
How to stop giving my girlfriend BV?
Don’t want to seem desperate… if that makes sense?
How much should I weigh to attain this look