Lightspeed/Shallow Water vs Strymon DECO
For anyone looking for a St. Patrick's Day bad movie, I highly recommend Fatal Deviation (1998), an uproariously funny Irish martial arts movie
Is there such a thing as an ‘upgrade’ to a TC Spark Booster?
SOTB 2025 (final update)
James Hurley: Judgment Day
Help my dissertation research into guitar pedals
Is it musicman day?
Rate my Bulls on Parade
What genre is this song?
What do people on this group think of Aphex Twin?
Finding a Stranger in the Alps
Giving Back!!
Just copped this for free
Do any other pedals sound like this one?
Pedal Demo: EHX Ripped Speaker
What is a good pedal that has a LoFi tape sim and some Reverb that isn't $400?
A huge breakthrough for me, I feel like I’m playing music for the first time
What to pair with a Russian big muff for a heavier, dirtier sound?
Unpopular opinion: John Cena is the greatest guitarist of his generation
Are there any fuzz pedals with a low noise floor you would recommend?
Just thought I'd share this great documentary with you good people
Advice on Tremolo Picking/Fanning: Not Fade Away
Helix service in Canada - specifically Toronto
Inspectah Deck spitting live on the Wake Up Show 🔥👐
Deck is nasty.
I swear I didn’t see him lmao