If you could choose one thing that we get in next arc, what would it be?
IT Johan and Ultimate King vs Young Gitae Kim
People just don't want to accept this cause this won't help their agenda.(Read the entire post before deciding what to say)
Who beating him?
PC Games you play while doing something else like watching tv or eating
Destroying the Delusion Part 1. James Lee Edition. Charles Statement.
Miss the days Gitae and James weren't downplayed
First tierlist(repost cuz I didn't rank character inside tiers) let me know how bad it is
An alternate wincon for Allied
James was using technique threshold and still got blocked 😂
Updated my list after the most recent chapter. Thoughts?
This debate is so forced
A simple search can destroy a certain fan groups agenda
Rank these fighters from strongest to weakest
Can TUI Gun beat Bloodlusted Kitae? Both going all out
Let’s stop the unnecessary Kitae glaze
Who the fck is being this dumb bruh lmao??
The disrespect 💀
No way Gitae really wiped the blood off his axe on Goo's shirt. The disrespect is crazy
James Lee >>> UI Daniel
I cant wait gitae to get this treatment man , jinrang going to show why he is next gapryong kim
Why is Seongji getting downplayed ? Is it because of James statement in hfg ?
Busan Arc. Powerscalers' Worst Nightmare