I love the robot soooo much. I'm in constant awe all the time
I feel a sharp pain on the head of my penis with my girlfriend during intercourse but nurse is saying everything is fine
He keeps haunting me
I’m so thankful to be alive
APs raise daughters that are easily taken advantage of
If emotions had a smell, what would anxiety smell like?
Men ruin everything
which do you like best
Isn’t it true that men will always quite literally find a way to disappoint you?
Do you think I can get to 600lbs?
Men calling me a ‘slut’ (vent)
This sentence summed up my experience succinctly…
Nothing is exciting anymore
OP k OG mcroniiii kha lo mitrrr
I need to say this and I can’t figure out a safe place to scream it- so… here I go. If it was a woman….
Do you view sex with the goal of pregnancy differently?
How to deal with boob soreness?
I’ve accepted that he only loved me for how I made him feel
If you could know one absolutely true secret of the universe, what would it be?
The worst thing about being single?
Why do men cheat?
Why doesn't God answer me?
What colour suits me best?
I hate being a woman
Why do I feel the need to be lonely & cry about it?