"How do you cope with depression?"
Why are muslims more religious in western countries than overseas?
i am absolutely terrified of death
When natural disasters strike a Blue State, pastors can't wait say it's God's wrathful vengeance for the state's sins. Where are those pastors when tornadoes tear up Red States?
Tips to get rid of the fear of eternal damnation
why do many hijabis wear makeup
How do you deal with casual hate speech from people you know?
My kid just told me they don’t believe in a god
Jesus Freaks in the YouTube SNL comment section
If you could have one ability that would apply even after death, what would it be?
Why are so many men comfortable admitting they don’t care about consent in marriage?
Last things yall would do
What is happening in Syria its a clear example.
My girlfriend and I broke up because of religion
Ever hear your parents say something so messed up regarding religion, that you were shocked even before deconversion?
What was the last straw for you, meaning why did you leave?
A Muslim seeking some answers
Social network flooded with religious contents recently
Tired of of the word "Islamophobia"
[Question] What are some Manwhas that are similar to Doctor Stone or Greatest Estate developer?
Right-wing Christian worship leader now faces life in prison for child sex crimes
Most heart warming story when you came out as an atheist.
Scared to use tampons because of purity culture
Someone probably just made it all up
Tips on how to not get annoyed by what religious people say?