Is there a reason he lies about sipping ?
What's Your thoughts on Roman reigns reign as the champion?
Whats a opinion you have no matter what people think
SAy the name of your favorite entrance theme but replace one word with fuck
I have been playing WWE 2K25 for an hour and I already hate the Island… 😂
Am I the only one who dislikes Love and Theo (especially Theo) because of one scene?
why can't he just quit while he is ahead
Joe Getting the ick
Can we agree this guy is goated?
Kendra getting boned in doggy
Dude is a curse at this point 😭
In position
One wwe wrestler who has a lot of fans but you just don’t like. I’ll go first
I feel very unattractive. I'm down 20 pounds. Girls never give me any attention or look at me in public. What can I do to improve looks , other than working out... which I'm doing
WTF, its actually happening
Sorry couldn’t resist 😅
Hell, Frozen.
We are in for a hell of a ride with this retirement tour boys...
I just got it
New Owner - 2025 SE
Met Sahbabii after Houston Concert
Is anyone hyped for the actual match???
I get that kayfabe is dead, but what’s the point in saying something like this?
Best sahbabii song for gettin fried
No thank you 👍