Forlorn Watchman might be my favorite side-quest
My oil painting of Weatherleah farm
Why are apologists usually painted negatively on this subreddit?
You don't have food poisoning. It's not the flu. You don't have an infection. If you're nauseous right now, it's just a panic attack.
Army of the Dead (Blanchitsu?)
Home away from home
Can AoD sniper shoot during counter action on conceal?
Wind Cave is nuts!
Need advice for supports
I think Dro'Nahrahe would have been screwed if I decided to fast travel to Bravil lol.
Views like this remind me why I’m committing to a no fast travel play through.
Mazoga died while fighting Black Brugo :(
Trying to find the “Circlet of Omnipotence” is such a pain
I think I finally succeeded in creating a normal looking character without mods. What do you all think?
My first ever army, thoughts?
My first mini ever painted
There's some weird bald guy outside this ayleid ruin shouting about family
Crusader knight in moonlight
Why is this game so fucking addicting
Is it worth taking the time to read the in-game books? What are the best books to read?
Waking up on new years
Bro thinks he’s Michael Jackson
Got a 15 kill streak last night. Is there a 20 kill streak for my next goal?
Got my first Relentless (killstreak of 10) yesterday. Is it the last available killstreak medal? I've seen people with like 15-2 or 20-3 ratio, did you get something for your prowess?
Oblivion's Landscapes and Cities