Clearing an old Dumping Ground with a deer 844k ii
What’s a movie that everyone seems to like but you just aren’t impressed.
My morning double espresso fits perfectly into my Guinness shot glass
Road Rage(almost) with an ignorant, possibly unintelligent, lady.
What snack do you miss?
the D in PTSD stands for Duolingo
Doing well so far
Slug Nematodes
What do you say to Irish people if you don't understand what they are saying?
Concorde’s Cockpit. One of the most complex cockpits in history. Concorde required a minimum flight crew of three, with a flight engineer working alongside the two pilots.
Tickets to the ST. Patrick's Festival (grandstand).
Pharmacists, why do you sometimes scribble on boxes?
What can I cook for my friend who’s pregnant with a 2 year old?
Limerick City 5 Years Ago
Guilty Pleasure
€25K for a parking space...
TBB Coonagh
LVL 8 vs LVL 7
After almost 13 days, sun is out again
What Simpsons quote would you want in your obituary, and why?
New chilli seedlings going brown?
What are some of the nicest hotels you've ever stayed in here in Ireland?
Issue of ‘ghost buses’ on agenda for Minister’s first meeting with National Transport Authority
Not sitting the mocks
I saw this on my way home, why would anyone do this?