Which version of Charlie is your favorite? Pilot, hide away, or recent
Rating how Throwable your avatar is
Which Velvette hairstyle is your favorite?
Ok yall would you smash crimson?
Who's your background crush?
I know what you are. You're a filthy Hazbin degenerate aren't you!?
Huh... HUH??
This fanbase has a bit of a problem with double standards.
Random art
What lyrics do you tend to misheard?
Pick your seat for class
type "mr" and let autocorrect finish
Choose your city to live in Equestria!
Who is best woman?
The villian on your birth month is ur parent
Which animation style is your favorite?
High school @thatboni
What the fuck bro..?
First album!!!!!!
What’s your avatars sexuality? (Apologises if this is inappropriate)
What’s your favorite oc in the fandom? I’ll start:
Give me random toons to draw
I like the character Valentino.