season 4 Amal and Navid drama
Did Ivy ever have a job?
Ryan was wild
Which sitcom has the best ensemble cast?
ronan won!! next: most GENIUS song?!
Where would they be now?
Has anyone noticed this before!?
Who's the universally beloved protagonist?
What are 5 things you love about Season 1 and 5 things you dislike?
Let's settle this : Pink or Blue?
Season 4
Synopsis for episode 13
Fashionable and Academically inclined?
If you had to chose a different partner for them who would it be
Every show has one: Wade Kinsella is the hot one!!🔥🔥Who is the only normal person?
I've never seen this take here before, so I'll say it. Max could've successfully convinced rory to go back to yale, had he been there.
Things you dislike
8 years ago, Emma Watson brought the iconic Belle to life!
is blake a good guy??
Characters failed the most by the writers
Marrissa being a bad sister
shake it off won!! next: song with best lyrics?
Saddest/most beautiful episode?
Luke fighting dean after he broke up with Rory
He really did love her :(