Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
day 6: horrible person, fans are divided
Cancer ♋️ which one?
Which sign is this?
Show me your dog with their favorite toy
What your 1st Pokemon game?
What non-Spongebob shows do you think hold up today and why?
W- I NEED TO OWN 15 F*CKING TOONS?????? HOW MANY MATCHES IS THAT? LIKE, MANY. I guess I need to leave Forsaken for a while huh?—
How does everyone feel about the new toon so far?
I don’t think Fez and Lexi would’ve worked
Anyone else going to the tour with a partner or friend who never really listened to the used?
What’s your tortie’s name?
Are blackouts supposed to be this rare?
New Tattoo
What is wrong with my muffin? :(
Weight loss drugs?
Do you guys have very different big 3s?
What was the craziest floor you've ever had? I'll go first: I had Twisted Vee and Twisted Pebble same floor, floor 5 (Image unrelated)
What are you guys gonna do if all the Twisteds showed up on one floor?
Shitty Handsome Awkward
What is a weird thing your abuser did/required of you?
Aries/cancer dynamics?
Kristi appreciation post
Who would you choose as the hottest character in the show?
You guys ever notice we attract narcissists?