what the f is wrong with quick play match making?!
What’s your opinion on this skin? I personally love it, but all my friends seem to hate it
How is Competitive even remotely fun?
People who rage quit on competitive need a much more severe punishment
A very serious question
Do Lord icons really reflect skill level or just how much a person plays that hero or both?
Is there seriously no way to shut Galacta up?
Hypothetical question
To all Luna mains, I apologize for what I’m about to say: This frigid queen needs her ult NUKED
I’m convinced now more than ever that my teammates are the reason for the losing streaks I’ve been on
Is this a normal Win/Loss ratio or am I just that bad?
Question about players
Flip flopping between Winning and Losing in QP. Need friendly advice
This shouldn't be controversial or rare.
Nihilistic Peter feels like a mood for ASM readers
WTF is up with Vicious Vines?!?!?!?!
Something that infuriates me about the Spotlight
Justice For All achievement
Black Widow's Deadly Bites achievement is impossible to get... Help needed
Missile Barrage bug
Steam won’t launch