Turned down E7 at Meta
Stay in current job or accept Big Tech offer and relocate to the US
My dad wants to add me as part owner of his accounts and put my name on his house title. I have questions first.
How do Amazon devs survive working long hours year after year?
Is this stupidity, complacency or outright I don't give a f*** attitude?
Car door got dinged by another in parking lot
Looking for in and out parking near falls on canadian side
Visiting Niagara park, parking question.
Those with $800,000 mortgages, how much is your monthly household income?
I’m being cheated on at this very moment. AMA
I almost lost my right mirror
Constantly anxious / stressed - How do you shut down your brain after work?
I don’t enjoy building data pipeline. Should I quit?
How to reduce distractions when you’re the “go to” person on the team
Are there more people driving around with their high beams on?
Cars running left turn reds in Toronto
Just got rear ended..again. The girl was putting on makeup..why..
People who own and use a car in the city, why? And how much do you shell out in a month on your car overall?
I failed my g2 test and I feel shitty
Two accidents avoided
Gardiner Expy
Not OP! Big truck merges aggressively...
The latest “Can’t miss my exit”
Should my partner and I pay off a 38k new car immediately or finance it for 4 years at 5.49%?
$120k WLB job vs $200k intense job