In Invincible (2021- ) the so called "hero" brutally beats to a near-death state a poor senior member of his race the moment after they confessed to him their struggles of loneliness. This is a reference to the fact that Invincible is the real villain who should be held accountable for his crimes
Fake fans, all of you
Can I have some of those memes?
When the Host forgets they're the Host...
Are you guys satisfied with varesa English va?
Varesa's 2d running animation was so cute that i made it into a gif!
Yuki on bed
It seems Lycoan's Old VA burned a lot of bridges
Send me your original character and I'll tell you where they rank on the Gay Tier List
Laura Ingraham urges Fox viewers to ‘ignore’ stock market meltdown: ‘Trump is good for business’
Can you reccomend a boss theme that’s metal, dark, and high energy? The longer the better. sorry if I’m being a bit too specific.
It's true
God forbid a boy likes monsters
Fontaine Chef girl description via Seele
One of the biggest issues with our society.
Varesa JP VA announcement
[TOMT] Who’s that YouTube shorts creator who explains tiktoks quickly, and uses hide the pain Harold images a lot?
Pulchra back reveal
I’ve prepared my whole life for this.