DAE with a penis choose to sit down to pee?
Time to make on price tags
What length of time do you usually have between fairs?
Is anyone ACTUALLY getting 8 hours?
Tornado siren- what would you do?
AITA For Telling my husband not to make extra food for our kids anymore?
I lost a kid during my observation today.
After Halloween fair?
Would I regret leaving a high-paying engineering job to become a teacher?
AITAH for telling our neighborhood that the new neighbor is a convicted sex offender?
Tingly burny dry lips
AITA for using my hotel room bathroom to poop while on vacation with my wife?
AITA for not inviting my sister’s new step-kids to my in-laws lake house?
How much does your 9 month old weigh?
Have you engraved a gourd?
Never ending diaper rashes
Any tips for liking more textured foods?
Worst part of being a teacher
People who use those wire cube grid shelves, would you mind sharing some examples of how you have them set up?
Does anyone else’s child constantly poke toe holes in their footies?
How do you like your tables in a 10’ x 10’ space?
How is Valentines going for u fellow moms?
People who say they loved being pregnant must be lying or have selective memory
Do you plan on buying maternity clothes or just wearing what you have?
Moms, when did you start sleeping 7-8 hours uninterruptedly ? If ever