First purchase !!
Is anyone able to identify what year this came out and the name? 🩷
How does it feel to be fat?
Why DON’T you fear death?
Please share 1 thing you're proud of accomplishing in 2024! Boast and brag about YOU!
What is keeping you awake tonight?
What is something you deeply wish to have back in your life?
What profession do u think takes the most stims??
1.5 years post op
What is a hobby you have that brings you genuine joy?
What are you craving right now?
How to stop BO
What's your age?
“bad” makeup/beauty habit that you’ll take to the grave?
What are your "I'm not hungry" foods?
What are jobs you find work WITH your ADHD?
What am I allowed to do with my appearance as a CNA?
How do you deal with workplace cliques?
Do you think people think about you as much as you think about them? Especially significant relationships
Ladies, where do you shop for clothes now?
Becoming accepted by new coworkers?
Most attractive body part?
You wake up as your complete opposite type (e.g. an ENFJ wakes up as an ISTP), what’s the first thing you’re doing?
What's the best compliment you've received from someone you respect?