Am I doing something wrong or am I buying poor quality steak?
I feel like therapists can see when they aren’t helping a client, but continue on for the money anyhow
Why are SSRI's prescribed for everything?
Should I tell my psychiatrist that I have feelings for him?
Men 35 and older who go to the gym regularly. Are you going to maintain a good physique or your trying just to better you health? Also can you still lift like you when you were younger?
Should I play Dead Space 2 and 3?
I’ve never met a therapist give any effort
How patient are you with someone who's not as intelligent as you?
Do all tall women have huge feet?
Do doordashers get annoyed if you order too much? Question for drivers.
Co-worker said this looks blue / raw. Thoughts?
Is it true if you have your hair at 30 you'll have it the rest of your life?
Why are therapists so quick to refer out?
Protest Trump this Wednesday
URGENT : Protest Trump this Wednesday
Do you hate LinkedIn?
Men over 30, at what age did you notice the biggest shift in your sex drive and what exactly felt different to you?
Remote work is unfair to the vast majority of people who have to go in to work every day
How can anyone "securely" attach to a therapist for severe trauma recovery when the relationship is purely transactional? How can anything that can be terminated if you can't pay, be safe?
Any guys out there over 30 with no wife or kids feel like they are left out of everything?
What's a good off the cuff team?
I 100% believe that plenty of therapists gossip about their clients.
What occupations do you avoid dating women from?
Tell me about your first song.
Why does the toilet trophy go to the winner of the consolation bracket instead of the guy in last place?
Can anyone tell me their experience with Gabapentin?