Say something Jason Todd does better than Batman?
Do you prefer a sillier, comical Joker or a darker, almost demonic Joker?
The design of the Iron Giant in the french edition of Ted Hugues's book
What do you currently think of the Kingpin from "Daredevil" 2003?
Bowler Hat ghost and Hank Hill from Haunting of Hill House
In your opinion who should and shouldn't be in the bat family?
Which is your top three favorite?
Am I the Only One That Actually Likes Superman III?
Who is more evil?
Idk if this is a hot take or not but
Pick your fave Cartman...
Who is this? Wrong answers only.
I always found it funny and strange that Lord Superman lobotomized Scarface, who is just a puppet, instead of Ventriloquist. Can't Ventriloquist just make a new puppet and return to crime?
How would you feel if The Thing's rocks popped out like this everytime he sneezed?
I saw this apparition in the woods the other day, any thoughts on what it could mean?
My ideal cast for a new Batman universe... Thoughts?
Batarang and display stand Tell Me 🔥 or 👎
Which representation of a public/historical figure do you think is in the worst taste?
Let's just admit it, this is the best Batman
Is he taking the win or Nah?
Who would you cast to play Beta Ray Bill?
Baby's First Guillotine toy I made
A Minecraft Movie | Final Trailer