Day 5 : A movie that should get a sequel
How cooked is bro?
These are the best girls in the big 3(art by animepolaroid)
Do You Love or Hate Mari?
Just in: Mirko confirmed to be a mother in my hero academia
Out of all the power systems of the big three of Shonen, which has the best power system and why?
Do you think he will do the Live-Action?
Day 4: Underrated Movie
Do You All Want To See A Solo Ben 10 Project With a serious tone?
Only the internet would hate a bad girlfriend more than a genocidal terrorist.
This piece took 6 hours🫡🍖
He Might Be Even Worse Then Judge Ngl
Name this country
Who the hell is chopping onions around me? 😢
Is this AI for read?
Calling Bleach characters anything but their name. Pt 38
Day 3 : Worst Movie
All the anime I have watched throughout the years ranked
Where Do You Watch Your Anime? 🎥📱
Recommend me some anime based on my tier list
Alucard ( Hellsing ) vs Goku ( dragon ball )
Kuwabara role in 3 Kings Arc
Day 2 : Best Villain from a movie
What anime is this from?
Now, does this count?