Hobbyists, your thoughts on this tat?
Of course it's the same character
Questions about old asol
Employees of Chipotle, how would you handle a situation where a group of people are recording you just to get larger portions?
I automated my house key into a smart key that will light up in the dark before I come home
Using TheCrowdFundingFormula as my marketing agency for upcoming Kickstarter
Ancient Pentakill from nearly 4 years ago
How did you successfully raise funds through crowdfunding without a fanbase or strong social media presence?
Number of followers needed to launch my Kickstarter campaign
Patch 14.20
Would this work?
Why does the Sol Q feel glitchy?
Is staring at your fish tank the same thing as birdwatching?
Make Ark bring the official servers back on ase!
Since we are posting old Asol clips, here is the last one I ever recorded :(
Why would they put cichlids in for a reef designed tank???
Who's running over there checking out the loot?
Why does PvP Official feel like a job?
A film that needs $160k before friday, please pledge
Our campaign has done $500,000 with nearly 4,000 backers. AMA
They Made A Crypto Shark Tank. It's Hilariously Bad.
Kickstarter and my failed campaigns
How do you remove this scuff from a glass tank? I tried rubbing/scrubbing it off and it doesn't do anything, please help!!
Can I buy a live lobster at the super market and use it to cycle my new 125 gallon tank?
What does it mean when your cars battery is full and does not start, but only starts when a battery boost is applied from a portable car battery jump starter?