Alright guys
We are now on the Marxist path
"The US has the most advanced healthcare in the world"
The country of your birth month has to be UNproblematic for a decade. If so, you win $10M. If not you d!3. Comment your results!
Haben Nazis euch schon vergast
Fuck you, look at this and be uncomfortable.
Welches Paket nehmt ihr?
Folgepost zu rechten Schwurbler
Who here has the best/worst taste?
Tell me
Findet ihr diesen Spiegelpost auch so weird?
Die Illusionen schützen vor was krasses
guess what my race is from how much i want/like to go to a country
Wer hat Lust an einem großen Social Media Kanal über Umwelt mitzuarbeiten?