(Spoilers Extended) How George gardened Stannis into a major role in ASOIAF's story
(Spoilers Extended) What are some fandom splitting debates?
What do we really KNOW about Valyria? (Spoilers Published) Book lore only, not Show.
(Spoilers Extended) FAegon VI vs Aegon V aka "Egg" the Unlikely
Give us oil and fire!
The Rhaegar hate [SPOILERS MAIN]
Ned delivers Dawn to Ashara by Jota Saraiva
Hello! Welcome to the Unfinished Tales subreddit!
Follow up to the distribution of the rings question...
Robert has surprisingly few bastards (Spoilers published)
(spoilers main) Does anyone else have no confidence in fAegon
I love genealogy
Galadriel is surrounded by incompetent relatives.
Sons of Feanor in the Rain
(Spoilers Extended) Bran is too young and its slowing down George's writing
Darkstar will steal Dawn and instigate a mutiny [Spoilers Extended]
(Spoilers main) Who is Ned stark's Mother?
It's actually kind of impressive the way almost everything Tywin says to his children is hypocritical (spoilers extended)
[Spoilers Main] Is the phrase "Valar morghulis" related to Tolkien's Valar in any way?
(SPOILERS EXTENDED) What would you change/add about the dynasties in Westeros in general?
What do you wish Tolkien had lived long enough to develop more fully?
( Spoiler Main) The High Stewart Who?
(Spoilers Extended) Why doesn't the Night's Watch have...
[Spoilers Main]Why did Jaime Lannister seem indifferent when Aerys burned Rickard and Brandon Stark but felt strongly about Aerys raping Queen Rhaella?
Why do people think Bloodraven... [Spoilers extended]