Insecure small man
What’s the biggest sexual risk you ever took?
The Gospel bado mnasema Ruto must go bila tangible action 😆.
Africa and religion
Why is there no talk of "Boycott Super Metro"?
Is uchawi/kuiba nyota real?!
Those who voted for this regime are as guilty as the regime itself
What’s one childhood belief you were convinced was true?
Hear me out guys
Churches and Politicians
I went to church for the wrong reason and got disappointed
Why "Gen Z" should push for total legalization of marijuana
Tuwache posts za ufala
Rape allegations
Question: Which party do White Kenyans support?
Why do we have monopolies
Kenyans are not good people
Human App
Reddit Demos. What if?
Muliacha kuogopa Mungu kabisa (Dust chronicles)
Politics of Gen Z Movement Slightly Dishonest?
Kumbavu zangu " Education is better than Money"