Storz & Bickel
Central database
Struggling to choose between Angus Enhanced or Dynavap
Runtz M or Zour Apple?
Anyone tried Cove yet?
Best hybrid?
Flower Terpenes
Pulled aside at Auckland Airport for Mighty Medic- no problems
So this is the ceo of Medleaf?
Shoutout to Medleaf
Sedaprem Aurora
Smoking vs vaping
Medleaf Runtz M - Strain Review
Is $850k mortgage too risky
Any dry herb vapourizer suggestions?
First Green Doctor Appt
Vape around $300?
Vape recommendations?
Calyx Clinic - anyone able to speak on experience so far?
Aurora Luminarium
Antg Rocky 25% or Tilray Whole Flower 22%
Strain Advice
Should I get a vape pack?
Who’s aping the V2 relaunch??