Have you ever had a threesome? How was it ?
Have you ever had a threesome? What was it like?
“Nobody here even knows you.” Famous last words.
What's a movie most people completely missed the point on?
Which sitcom, from any era, had a "serious"episode that particularly stood out to you?
Sono stupida?
Yahoo Answers
What were elders from your time ranting about?
Who Do I Look Like
What's your favourite Morty Seinfeld lines/moments ?
Which sitcom character was the worst human being ever?
what are some challenges kids today who romanticize the past would face if they grew up in your era?
Bisexuals who have dated both genders, what little differences surprised you?
The alla pesca o limone?
What's one place you've travelled that you never want to go back to?
Which movies fit this?
Movies that completely change when you watch them as an adult vs. as a kid