New pickups. There is still so many games in the 3DS library that I am yet to try. long live the 3DS!
Love MH4U too much
Tier List of Fights
What is your preferred device for Gameboy?
I woke up thinking this..
Do you ever feel like a device was made just for you?
What does my collection say about me?
Which device
Weekends like this
Pretty sure she has no clue what I’m talking about - but that’s okay. This one was just for us.
How would I launder him?
Are fromsoftware games good on the deck? And I don’t mean graphically / performance wise…
Paperwhite 12th Gen just arrived, no yellow band (First Impressions).
Help me decide which one to keep D:
Just ordered an Odin 2 and cancelled my RP5 pre order.
Sorry if it’s been posted before
Do it.
Spent a cosy Sunday morning finishing The Book of Lost Things. What an incredible book!
Dead or Alive?
God of War looks and runs beautifully on the Odin 2. I’ve played on the ps2, ps3 and vita but this has been my favorite play-through so far. I can’t believe this is nearly 20 years old! Hopefully feel the same when I hit path of hades
Just grabbed a 7th gen classic for £65. Plan to do quite a few mods. Some issues with it but looking forward to giving it a new lease of life!
Here’s what went down with Joker 2
Arrow Video is putting out Jason Goes To Hell (1993) on 4K
IGN, defending a game that needed no defending except when it came to their own review…
Jordan Peterson thinks Onlyfans models aren't human