8 week old drinking less now than she was at 6 weeks
NIPT test timing
Weird story: Was pregnant during my egg retrieval
NR, CoQ10, NAC -- did you notice any difference after starting any/all of these?
Mom guilt
Hip Dysplasia requiring harness
How did you feel the first few days of being a parent?
Transfer #3 today 12/27 - give me all the good vibes. Also, any transfer twins?
How many embryo transfers did it take you?
Just at a loss
Blood clots and dark red 4dp5dt
Progesterone pessaries stopping at 8 weeks?
Bleeding and positive test at 5 weeks
Miscarriage or Subchorionic Hemorrhage?
my 8th embryo implanted
Missed progesterone dose
Med donation- Brisbane, Australia
Cheapie is lighter but FRER is a dye stealer?
Maybe Baby?
People who ended up with a single blast for their first ER… Where are you now?
TW - Possible positive test
Scared About Stopping PIO
How many tries did it take you to get pregnant?
Transfer number 4 today
Heavy bleeding and no fetal pole..