French Machine Armor
How do you differentiate normal HMI and Machine Armor HMI?
Here's a sneak peak at my upcoming kitbash.
Naval raiders (wip)
Swiss Guard Penitent Troopers
One big beefo! Really happy with how the little icons turned out
First mini ever. One good Boy done.
Is There a List of Icons/Saints for War Prophets?
Swiss Guard Penitent
A communicant emerges from the Church's techno-laboratories
My demo warbands
New Models?
++ HERETIC DIVE BOMBER ++ (fanart! what do you think?)
Naval Heretic Priest :)
Olde School Tank Hunter
Praetor for Court
“What the cross cannot stop, the communicant will not allow to endure”
Sturgeon by PiperMakes
The Valkyrja, kitbashed assault intercessors with jump packs for my Space Wolves.
Communicant and Observer done
Transporting TC minis
Cases on amazon!
My first Corpse Guard!
My first TC mini