Jsou nějaké šance že SPOLU, Stan a Piráti vstoupí do koalice?
Koalice SPOLU spustila web Nejhorsipremier.cz . Na tomto webu můžete vytvářet koláže s Babišem a jeho nesplněnými sliby a kontroverzními výroky.
Losses of the Russian military to 27.3.2025
Who’s the hardest Mfer to kill in the right hands?
Would’ve posted this sooner, but I was morning the loss of our greatest defender (sound recommended)
What is your Main problem with Marvel Rivals?
The switch up on Immortal is hilarious
Shout out to Pepr70 to have more balls than the rest of reddit combined. We did BO5 and he stood his ground. However, it's 3-1 in favour of anti-Velen gang.
A while back, people here didn't believe Velen was strong. No star bonus from Gold to Diamond without even trying. For a man who doesn't like to play OP decks, it's mind-boggling.
Délka české dálniční sítě v čase
It looks like the Hulk is starting to subsidize hate again for supposedly little accurate gameplay so here again I show that it is one of the most accurate gameplay in the game. Just to balance the game gives damage only at the level of Mr. Fantastic and have only 200 + 750 + 1500hp.
“Justice for Worldbreaker” lol
Aneb když ti dojde, že to není podvod na voliče.
Justice for Worldbreaker
"Mom says its my turn to dps"
Investování vs užívání si života - jak to máte vy?
Such a minor matter to discuss the idea of "Mr. Fantastic is among the duelist for more people to play Vanguards" which I didn't believe until recently, but after enough comments I believe it's true and it's even done really well.
Osobně jsem toho názoru ať si každý dělá se svým majetkem co chce (včetně třeba natření budovy v historickém centru na růžovo), na Twitteru se objevila tahle fotka z Židenic. Diskutujme
Theories for New Warrior Ascendency
Since some of the Mark variants were unmasked, doesn't that reveal to the main universe that Invincible is Mark?
"How DARE you step away from your post! Get back here!"
Received 400 free packs - is the game worth returning to? Haven't played in 5+ years, how much is there to re-learn?
Since we have a "Neutral" Starship, why don't we have a "Neutral" Imbue Hero Power?