What cartoon downgrade you find unforgivable?
Which modern albums (last 10 years) are aging like fine wine?
What game franchise does this?
Who is your male role model when it comes to cinema?
Who the fuck?
One of my top movies from last year. Sad that it didn't really get much recognition from the academy.
Opinions on “CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST”?
What artist do you believe has no bad albums (nothing under a 5/10)
Why Did Comedy Movies Disappear in Your Opinion?
Artists/bands who ended at their peak, i'll start
Do you have an album where you consider every single song a 10/10?
Any love for Credence Clearwater Revival on this sub?
What's a movie(s) that you consider has the best practical effects?
Happy Valentine's day everybody! 💚 What's your favorite love song oat?
Best cold open in cinema history?
Movies that have a vibe like this image?
Movies that have come and gone that you think should be talked about more.
Best high music listening experience?
Best high movie watching experience?
What was the last film you watched in January?
Last movie to make you cry
Albums that was initially poorly received by critics?
So many words that I'd never think I'd see together
Favorite recurring gag?
Hairdryer as heater "hack" goes very wrong