Strange imprint on my ceiling while I was away – any idea what this is?
2 days and $200 later, a quick guest bathroom makeover on our 1927 home.
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
I was "Homeschooled" for all of my childhood and teenage years. Now I'm about to be 18 and don't know what to do.
VEX Robotics
Unsweetened coffee associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, study finds | This association was not observed for sweetened or artificially sweetened coffee
Mod Post: "I'm thinking of moving to NZ from America"
Difficulty in securing a teaching job? Not looking to move to a major city.
Trying to figure out how to live stream our event next month. Advice welcome!
Hello friends! Please give me advice for an aspiring blacksmith. I want to start making knight armor! But how difficult is it for a beginner to do so? Also, what tools should I buy. Plus, where can I find some suitable stencils/patterns/templates?
Where are the monarch butterflies?
What really fucks you up as you grow older?
Hard body shells?
Hard shells for dogs?
What’s the best food or drink you’ve ever had that you’d like to have again?
What are your current chicken names?
And so it begins.... Cucumber beetle eradication season
Millennials, are you filling your garage with unnecessary shit like our parents and grandparents do?
Accidentally employed a pair of ravens to be my flocks bodyguards
Highschool woodworker, Looking for help with coating a table
Metallic Dirt update! These are the specimens I picked up in about an hour within walking distance of the shiny shelf and my truck… A few of those are heavy!
What do people our age do for at/in-home entertainment with guests of similar age(s)?
Cuvée holders for chemistry class. Bad puns included.
Need a second opinion. Was this pinning?
Since my other Post was deleted for some reason, can millenials that are doing well Post How awesome they are doing below. Seems like 99% of this sub just complains like they have it harder than everyone else did coming of age.