Lost a prop, but won the game
Even in Chinese, Minuette is so genki!
I like how the Chinese Mandarin dub has its own lost in translation script. I can't help it, I'm Chinese. Don't be sour, it's happy hour.
I swear I wasn't cheating! How did the Nashorn not kill me?
Is Gummy a Taoist?
Let's pretend this show did not have a language filter. How would the pony version of Gordon Ramsay roast Zesty Gourmand?
Now I know how Robespierre felt
Ask a question, and I'll answer as discord
I almost feel bad for that Conway
Language barriers come in all shapes and sizes. Which version do you like?
I just got the XM800T. How does it compare to the 8.3 Bradley?
Minuette or Colgate?
what my little pony character pissed you off the most
Sweetie Belle say what?
Guess which episode this shot came from
Deranged Twighlight, This episode was wild 💀
What’s your favorite Scootaloo moment?
The other day, I unexpectedly scored this cheap AK replica at a local flea market. What should I do with it?
You spin me right round, baby, right round like a record, baby, right round, round, round
The tables turn rather quicker than Japanese fighters
What’s your favorite Sweetie Bell moment?
Make New Friends But Keep Discord behind the scenes
My favorite MLP image I have saved