Aug or M416
Feedback: C8S23 Ultimate Royale
Can’t believe a bot like me got 9 kills in ultimate royale
Feedback: RPA12
Walking emote gets disrupt!
PUBGM x Attack on Titans 3.8
Thoughts on this guy??
Buff the spawn rate of m416, I paid to get the hit effect on my fool m4 and can barley find one 😤
What is wrong with the kill feed?
Aim situation
When will this event end?
Does team mate evaluation matter?
Watching some random teamates is the most infuriating thing ever.
How do I get the ID of a player I killed after a match?
Does anyone remember the name of...
My latest match since reaching Ace Master. Did I improve?
How many people actually wach thier teeth here in algeria
Is it possible for an average player to reach legend in ultimate royale?
What's your favorite thing about pubg?
What do u hate about PUBGM?
What's your hardest loss?