What GPA did you all have in undergrad to get into Medical School?
My roommate doesn’t wake up to her 20+ alarms every morning
worried about my GPA
Parents say I'm (35) too young to be pregant
Got back into Pokemon cards a few months and I’m already done.
Do the mean pre-med students get in?
I'm (24F) having problems with my bf's (26M) sister (19F)
My (33F) husband (34F)'s pregnant mistress (28F) begged me to leave him and I refused. Where do I go from here?
How difficult is it to get into an SMP/post bacc program
How it felt winning a Fortnite game before the bots
My girlfriend (26F) and I (24F) are addicted to sex. It is ruining our lives, but she doesn't see this. What can we do?
Please tell me it’s crazy to worry about this
My (32M) wife’s (30F) friend cheated on her fiancé at her bachelorette party. My wife doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal. Help?
Should I retake a 523??
genuine question is my stats not good for MD??
Is it okay to wear a bow tie for interviews?
People surprised that Trump won simply live in an echo chamber..
Am I screwed if all I can do is scribe?
Calculus I (Math 1210) Teachers
Steps to get to Med School with Low GPA?
upcoming premed student
Cheating continues to get worse and worse every season.
Is this worth submitting to UPenn?
Where to ED as a premed?
getting married in med school