Anyone have good songs that relate to autism?
What Flavour of Autism Did you get
What are Christian’s explanation/thoughts/advice on Autism?
Any UK diagnoses here?
Here’s my interest as an autistic.
Cannot see signs
Lifelong atheist…
Madness on the waiting times like?
Bath not running hot water?
Bath tap not hot?
How to finish it off? Is face toner good?
Wish there was a cure.
Facial hair or no? Also legit open to insults coz idk what to do in general💀
3 days done. Guys just remember that vaping is cringe asf
Quitting today
got a Parker fountain pen for 1p lmao
What was your ✨️movie✨️ as a kid?
Anyone with a special interest in aviation
To diagnose or not to diagnose
The clothes shop if ykyk
Unmasking after years
Numbers and letters have personalities!
Social ques vs social expectations?
Please help me understand and how to solve plz
Easy to mentally sober up