Are bots back in the menu? (Swiftplay)
How bad is the nerf going to be?
So im currently playing an ARAM game with 9 bots
Defeat the final enemy in cappella magna - Unlock glitched?
Would beds still work even if they are out of reach?
this is what peak senna performance looks like
Catching 10, then selling/meat cleaver them
senna is too broken, i 1v5 pentvs full elder enemy with ease
I had a 51% win rate this ranked split, but had negative LP gains, why?
Are there any free alternatives, other than VPNs, to hide my IP?
[PC] W:Mule, H: Mule, Karma
[PC] W: 13 Items muled (nothing about base lvl) H: 99 hero’s runes and Karma
[PC] W: great jar's arsenal talisman H: 30 Lord’s runes
[PC] Buckler (any level) H: just ask :)
[PC] W: Morgotts cursed sword. H: karma, ask
(PC) W: Mule H: Items, Karma, Mule, Ask
[PC] W: Magic Scorpions Charm H: Ask
[PC] W: armor sets, maxed weapons, or muling, H: mule, karma, ask
[PC] W: Mule (8 items), H: Mule/Karma/Ask
[PC] W: Sacred Relic Sword, H: Karma, Mule
[PC] W: Mule, H: Mule/Karma/Ask
[PC] W: Mule (8 items, armament lvl 0), H: Mule/Karma/Ask
So I can report the same player multiple times for the same game or what?
ASol nerfs for 13.6
Excessively long queue times for Normal Draft? Is this normal?